Last week we talked about injuries in the workplace and how to avoid some major non-fatal injuries: strains, sprains and tears. It was a start on the path towards safety, but we thought it would be good to talk about another way you and your coworkers could avoid receiving nasty injuries throughout your work day. To get to the point, we're going to talk about how you can stay focused and alert throughout the day.
Now there are hundreds of different products that you can take advantage of like a Five-Hour Energy, Red Bull, or Jelly Belly Caffeine Beans, but what we wanted to focus on today was a natural, clean way of staying focused at work, which should prove beneficial to your long-term health.
1. Getting Enough Sleep
Get enough sleep so you don't wake up on the side of the street.
It's a known fact that sleep is absolutely necessary for individuals to function properly throughout the day. The recommended sleep dosage is somewhere between 6-8 hours of sleep, but did you know that you can alter your sleep cycle to better fit your daily needs? High Existence wrote a great article about different sleep cycles and how they fit into lives better, and we recommend reviewing this article to see if one of these cycles might fit you better than the one you have now. To conclude this section, we recommend sleep, whether you get it in a normal fashion or not!
2. Stay Hydrated
According to, an adult human body can be made up of 50% - 75% water which means that an adult weighing 180 pounds has around 11 gallons to 17 gallons of water in their body at any given time. Throughout the day, we lose around .75 gallons of water through normal body functions, but that number increases as you physically exert yourself. As you lose water, normal body functions begin to strain and your ability to focus becomes compromised. If you're feeling tired or sluggish, get some water. For even better results, get cold water, as that should help kick start your body more than warm water.
3. Snack Often
Food is fuel, but sometimes it can be misused. If you eat large meals throughout the day, you will probably notice that you get a bit sluggish / tired about 25-60 minutes post lunch-time. This is because, like a burning fire, you can smother your metabolism by feeding it too much. Precious energy that could be used elsewhere is reallocated to your stomach, and then you find yourself tuckered out at about half-past one. Instead of eating a large burger at noon, why not try eating a small slider every two or three hours? You'll still get the same amount of food, just in smaller increments. Plus, your body will be able to burn through that small meal much more efficiently, allowing you to use your energy elsewhere.
4. Move Around
This might seem a bit backwards, but move around often to maintain a steady energy output throughout the day. According to New York Times' Wellness Blog, if you limit your daily physical activity, your body will change up the way it functions and stop absorbing as much sugar from the blood stream, resulting in an insulin spike, which means you will get tired. If you need to stay seated for an extended period of time, make sure to walk around! Keep your body moving, and you'll avoid those nasty insulin spikes.
5. Drink a Cup of Coffee
A good cup of joe to get the day started. Of course, you will need to grind it and brew it before hand.
A cup of coffee in the morning can be a great way to get the day started, and a great way to lose weight. But it is important to remember that anything can be bad for you in large quantities. Try to stick to that one cup of coffee per day, you know, to avoid become a caffeine addict.
To conclude, make sure to get sleep, stay hydrated, snack often and drink a cup of coffee to stay awake and alert in a clean and natural manner. If you are not much for this clean living mumbo jumbo, feel free to continue drinking your Five Hour Energies and Red Bulls, but again, drink them in moderation!
Do you have any suggestions of your own to help people stay awake and functioning? Tell us about them below, we would love to hear from you!